Saturday, August 20, 2011

Don't tweak the DB

Generally, I hate "tweaking the DB" as a performance strategy. I realized that not everyone shares this hatred and I've been trying to verbalize my rationale.

I think the reason I hate it is because it often breaks the DB abstraction. Unfortunately, the most implicit parts of any interface are the performance considerations. In fact, performance is not even really part of the interface. It remains unspecified, undocumented and unreliable.

All of this is especially the case with a database. Nowadays we write DB code to be portable -- we insert layers and develop narrow APIs so that we can switch the underlying database at some future time to address some future consideration.

We run databases on a range of hardware, and we carefully tune the hardware to achieve the desired performance.

Our applications do not function without our DB tweaks.

What we've done is implicitly rely on the implicit performance API of a large piece of software. The performance of that software depends greatly on the underlying hardware, on what else is running on the machine, and on what other DB users are doing. None of this is well documented.

SO, given two solutions to a performance issue that are "equivalent" effort, e.g., software development effort and DB tweaking, where one is implemented across the system boundary between your application and the DB, and the other resides solely in you application -- the latter should win EVERY time IMO.

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